Thursday 16 June 2016

Those Shuffling Feet From The Past


What nice grounds the Victorians gave the insane
The funny farm suitable for labour
Then came industrial therapy
Putting things in boxes,
Putting things in boxes,
Putting things in boxes,
Putting things in boxes.
A few bob at the end of the week
Twenty cigarettes
It keeps the mind active
Or so it was said.

The watchtower to keep an eye out for any escapees
The years of struggle that beat the spirit down
Those shuffling feet just keep on walking
An endless road along psychiatric corridors.

Our songs will rise
Our songs will rise
Breaking through the walls of discrimination,
Our songs will rise
Our songs will rise
Tearing down the walls of exploitation.

So here we are in this cruel age of spinning
Where those on top
Just seem to keep on winning
Compassion is a word so rarely spoken
Money is made out of every possible opportunity.

Such spacious grounds the Victorians gave the insane
The trees still blossom
The birds still sing,
I say let’s turn these dark institutions
Into luxury flats.

Cries from the past
Hear them echo
Shuffling feet on hospital lino
Keep on walking
Smoking another cigarette
Cigarette smoke coming through the air vent.

Acute ward
Long stay ward
Now you can buy a home here,
How could anyone set up home in an ECT room?

On medication we feel drowsy
On medication we pace up and down
Those shuffling feet just keep on walking
An endless road along psychiatric corridors.

Our songs will rise
Our songs will rise
Breaking through the walls of exploitation,
Our songs will rise
Our songs will rise
Tearing down the walls of discrimination.

So as you walk round this property developers dream
You walk alongside those shuffling feet from the past,
Those institutionalised clothes
Never became a fashion item
But our daily struggles can lead to nervous breakdowns.

So as you walk around the grounds
Around the grounds
Around the grounds,
If someone comes up to you and says
Got a fag?
Got ten pence?
Don’t be alarmed
Don’t be alarmed,
They are just trying to communicate
They are just trying to be your friend.

Frank Bangay


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