Thursday 18 December 2014

I Almost Forget To Worry

The sun is filtering through the trees
Those Edwardian summers had a cool breeze
It’s late afternoon and I feel hazy.

The brown suited park keepers are grumpy
It’s a couple of hours before the park closes
And they want to go home
It’s been a busy day
Such a busy day
Oh such a busy day.

We sit on a bench by the bandstand
Lost in the tranquillity of a leafy afternoon
The city seems so far away
So far far away
Far far away.

The conductor flaps his wings
The band begin to play
Drifting through the trees
Drifting on the breeze
And across the fields
The old folk are dancing.

And they grow young again
As they dance down Memory Lane
That secret place
Where many dreams are sleeping.

I’ll have the last waltz with you
Two lonely people together
I fell in love
The last waltz will last forever“.

Between years of hard graft
And surviving a world war
It’s possible a dream could awaken still
Now down Memory Lane
They keep on dancing..

There go Pop and Gran in all their finery
Down Memory Lane they keep on dancing
Pearly Queens and Pearly Kings
Down Memory Lane they keep on dancing.
Down Memory Lane we all keep on dancing .

Forever dancing.

A childlike sun smiles at us
Trees slumber in the afternoon heat
Birds sing in harmony
Here it feels like heaven,
I almost forget to worry about the fact that it might rain.

Frank Bangay
Autumn 2002

Crossing The Road

He stood on the pavement
Cursing the traffic
His carrier bag was flapping in the wind,
How he longed to get to the other side
But everything went too fast for him.

Traffic speeding by
He mumbled and moaned
Bloody nuisance, bloody nuisance.
He said to himself

Here comes a police car with sirens blaring
What a bloody noise they make
But I suppose they have to get to the scene of the crime.

He stood there grumbling
He had to make a move
But he was too slow witted
He depended on his walking stick.

He walked down the road
Not wanting to feel defeated
It seemed safer going to the traffic lights
Than dashing past the cars.

Sometimes he needed help
But he had difficulty putting it into words
Sometimes it is hard to cry
Especially in public.
A part of him wanted to be tough,
But life can appear to be as tough as nails,
He longed to hear compassionate voices
He felt that might help.

He stood on the banks of the river
Looking for a bridge to help him cross over
He decided to put his trust in GOD
GOD’S love would help him get across.

Frank Bangay
November/December 09

the Ballad Of Stan And Jack

Jack Frost is a cunning rouge
Always interfering with Stan’s garden
Then he jumps over the fence
And interferers with the garden next door.

Jack Frost has a pale white face
And spiky white hair
He wares nimble running shoes
No hob nail boots for him.

One February day Stan thought he saw Jack
Playing pranks in his garden
Giving frostbite to his Pelagoniums.
Stan was standing there smoking a Senior Service
From a packet he had just bought at the newsagents.

He stubbed out his cigarette
And started to chase after Jack Frost
But Jack jumped over the wall
And Stan was out of breath.

You really should try to cut down smoking”
Said Stans wife Doris
Then she lit up a Players Weights
And carried on with her dusting.

Stan was a decent chap
He lived in Eltringham Street Battersea
Terraced houses with doorsteps
And a coal fire in the front room.
A Cheshire cat sits near the fire
When its not outside spying on pigeons..

Stan wore a cloth cap
He often wore braces
He would go into his local
And give the young ladies his graces.

Some said that Jack Frost wouldn’t survive
The effects of global warning
But he fought back
And alas
Continues to play havoc with our gardens.

Stan carried on nursing his pelargoniums
Then he took of his cloth cap
And in prayer he said
Dear GOD please bring springtime.

Frank Bangay
March 010


With upright green leaves and delicate white flowers
You greet the winter grey.
Withstanding those days
Of crisp blue skies
When Jack Frost shows no mercy.

In the evening chill
Darkness comes
Still you stand strong
Waiting for the morning light,
Oh beautiful snowdrop.

February is your month of glory
But sometimes you brave the January weather,
Soon crocus flowers
And scented hyacinths will follow.

By late March the revolution will start
As daffodils and tulips join in the fun.
I take a stroll in the park
The birds are singing
I listen to the urban symphony,

Traffic rumbles
Sirens screech
Lord sometimes I am wrapped up in my sorrows.
But this display of colour
Cheers me up.

Eventually summer light will be here
We move a little nearer every day,
But you brave snowdrop
Wake up in mid winter
To tell us that the journey is underway.

Frank Bangay
February 2010

And They Will Stay Beautifull

Where Vikings once landed
Now UFOs are spotted
And I like to believe it true.
What was once wild marshland
Has been reclaimed
But history still shows through..

Country plants grow on the riverbank
In spring and summer they tower
Showing beauty in their strength
Flowers pollinated by busy bees.
Butterflies perform a delicate dance
Many different birds sing from trees
A symphony so much sweeter than the urban din.

Trains rumble in the distance
I listen to the far away tune
Amongst the foliage
I nearly forget about the city.

When the conflict of noise and pollution
Gets too much to put up with
And I need space to breathe.
Let me walk amongst the weeping willows
Along the banks of the muddy river
The Lea valley flowing out into Hertfordshire
And beyond,
Let me be at peace.

What once was wild marshland
Has become beautiful again
The past stirs from it’s slumbers
Let the beauty keep flourishing.

Hackney Marshes
A little spirituality
In an often soulless world

Frank Bangay
March 1998

Greed Or Love

Greedy men fight each other for power
They never think about love
Dear GOD,
I never want to be like that.

Greedy men make less fortunate people desperate
And when their despair gets too much
They condemn their actions,
There is no fairness in this
Oh lord,
No fairness at all.

Another war being raged on the venerable
Sometimes the war claims lives,
The fog of deception
Can be difficult to see through
We are not lazy
When disabilities inhibit us,
When we struggle with poor mental health.

I stand at the waters edge
Looking at my reflection
I want to free myself of my burdens
And live a better life
Down by the riverside.

Did John The Baptist really lose his head
At the whim of King Herod’s daughter
Do our lives really become that futile?

Greedy people forget about compassion
Sometimes they compete with their friends
I wake in the morning
To face this troubled world
Where powerful people
Often misuse their power

There are moments when I feel like giving up
But there are too many reasons to carry on
Dear GOD please guide me.

Frank Bangay
August 012

God Bless Poo Bear

On the day that my computer smiled
It was cold and grey outside
It was cold and overcast inside my mind.
I went to visit yahoo mail
To see if anyone had written to me
To get there you pass by the latest news of the day.

Recession and pessimism
Wars that rage on
So much worry and fear.
Fears that can grab me
And make me feel anxious,
Make me feel sad,
When my confidence is low
And I struggle to say a prayer.

What do I see
Amongst this news
Winnie the Poo to return to the world of literature.
I wondered
Can he survive
In this often cold world of today?

I see a landscape of post war housing estates
Rain clouds drifting across a grey sky
Washing flapping on washing lines.
Cats prowl about
A restless dog barks,
Pigeons peck at the concrete
Buddleia grows out of walls
It survives,
And flowers,
Plastic bags hang from tree branches
The first blossom of spring.

But there is a leafy lane somewhere
Leading to One Acre Wood ,
Here Tigger Jumps, Rabbit busies himself,
And Piglet plays Poo Sticks with Winnie
The river flows by.

Eeyore worries about the recession
But the others will try to cheer him up.
Eeyore has a stubborn faith
Despite all the knocks
He will soldier on
We will soldier on.

Frank February 2008

He Was A Poet

He was a poet
But he wore an unfashionable raincoat
He was a mystic but the grey weather blocked his view,
He was English through and through
He believed in the old traditions
He longed for them to return
He dreamed of pie and mash shops
Reappearing on the high street.

He was a poet
He wrote loads of words
He was a philosopher
He longed to be heard,
He sat in Lyons Tea Houses
Over a cup of tea and a buttered scone
He would express his views
To anyone who would listen.

He is a poet
Some think he’s funny in the head
He walks down the high street with his carrier bags,
He talks to himself
Sometimes he finds communication hard
But he believes that one day
The world will hear his words.

Frank Bangay
August 06

Easter 1966

Fifteen years old
I graduated into the working world.
Momentarily I avoided digging roads,
Lifting boxes,
Unloading lories.
I became a messenger for a shipping company
A glorified tea boy.

Bermondsey Street near London Bridge station
I liked the smells of the neighbouring spice warehouses,
Walking round the City of London in the snow
It snowed a lot that Easter.

My youthful feet took me all over the City
From Houndsditch to Ludgate Circus
From office to office
I enjoyed the discovery.

Then there was the typewriter that got me the sack
I had never used a typewriter before.

A trip down the Labour Exchange
And I graduated to lifting boxes
Unloading lorries
In a warehouse.

Frank Bangay
May 05

Morning Prayer

Dear Lord
We have made it
Through another night
Sometimes it’s been turbulent
Sometimes it’s been calm.

Birds sing
Cars cough and splutter
As their engines start up
The day wakes.

Sometimes there is a blue sky
And we are keen to greet the day
Sometimes it’s cold and overcast
And we want to hide away
Lord there have been terrible times
When I didn’t want to wake up,
By God’s grace I survived,
Dear lord I greet the day.

Sometimes with uncertainty
But if I pray
I know you will guide me.

Lord I think of those in war torn countries
Facing on going conflict and crisis
I will try hard
To find the strength
To pray for them.

Sometimes I can greet the day
With excitement and enthusiasm.

But I can say from my heart
However I’m feeling
Dear God
Thank you for waking me this morning.

Frank Bangay
Late August early September 05

evening prayer

Dear Lord
The day is nearing it’s end
The light is dimming
Street lamps come on
A little weary
I try to rest.

Through the days
The ups and downs
I wear a tired frown Lord I find it hard to smile.

There are days when I feel good
There are days when I feel inspired
I want to create a symphony
In praise of life,
Thankyou GOD.

LORD these days are troubled
There are wars that wont stop
I listen to the evening news
And the conflicts dragging on.
A disaster in nature
A cry from this troubled earth,
I will try to pray
I will try to pray
Oh lord we pray oh lord we pray.

Dear LORD we face the night
Sometimes it can be a troubled ride
Over stormy seas of sleeplesness
Sometimes troubled dreams leave us feeling disturbed,
Sometimes the night is calm
Please let the night be calm.

So as I seek rest
I will say
Dear GOD thank you for helping me through the day.

Frank Bangay
Late August early September 2005